Jun 192016

How do I get my refresher certification?
There are now 2 types of refresher classes, hands-on (live) and on-line.

What is the expiration of the refresher certifications?
The hands-on (live) class is good for 5 years.
The on-line class is good for 3 years.

Any other differences?
You must take a hands-on (live) refresher class at least every other time you take the refresher.

I can’t decide which class to take.
After teaching refresher classes for over  a year, we recommend you take the live class as your first refresher.  Rules have changed and been clarified.  It seems to be helpful to folks to have an instructor to ask questions and clarify the ruling.  We also have tips for you, both of our instructors are EPA Certified RRP Renovators and have done lead safe projects.  Our goal is to have you be confident and have the knowledge you need to do these renovations safely without breaking the pocket book.

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