

EPA RRP Classes – Visit our RRP page for more information

EPA Certified RRP class schedule is on the EPA RRP page.  This course is required for work done on residences and child-occupied commercial buildings built before 1978.
Please call the office for more information (505)715-5493

Does your homeowners association or Realtors group have questions?  We have a one hour class that will answer your questions.  Call us to arrange for this class presentation for free!

Dispel the myths: Get the facts! Find out how lead paint affects you, your family, and your pets. Class is free and will last about one hour. Please note this is not the certification class.

Advance Concept Education is an EPA Certified Training Facility for Lead-Safe RRP. Questions, please call 505-715-5493 or email

Test kits!  3M is no longer manufacturing the Lead-Check Test Kits and no one has them available for sale.  The other test kit that is available is the D-Lead Kit from ESCA TECH.  This is the test kit that has an expiration date and has temperature restrictions.  Remember, Advance Concept Education students have free support, call or text the number given in class or the number listed above.  ESCA TECH has a nice video about using their test kit.

Other options available to certified renovators are to send paint chip samples to a lab (the method required by HUD) or to assume that everything built before 1978 has lead paint and use lead safe work practices during renovations.

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